Thursday, August 30, 2012

suit up and show up

image credit...mariano vivanco

Courage of the Spiritual Warrior

The courage that makes for a good soldier also makes for a good Spiritual Warrior, but the intent becomes completely different. A soldier has courage to face a challenge that may bring physical harm. The Spiritual warrior has the courage to question challenge his or her own beliefs. By challenging our own beliefs we can dissolve the lies that cause our suffering. To challenge our own beliefs requires courage because it means the end of our illusion of safety. When other people challenge our own beliefs we are usually quick to defend. We defend them even if they cause us to suffer. As a warrior we learn not to defend what we believe, and then to challenge those very beliefs ourselves. In this way we are able to sort out the truth from illusions.

so this month has seen me start back at the gym with cardio classes at least 3x per week, a new 2night counseling gig at an agency where i was already working 1 evening per week, began supporting a new meeting 1x per week, and the details for the long awaited recovery rally bubble up daily like a fresh bottle of pellegrino newly opened.

i relentlessly insist that all of this is within my scope, without really taking the time to assess what the cost of this responsibility, but the cost involves my peace of mind and my serenity. additionally, my good friend is preparing to shake loose this mortal coil, and i am not very present for him. he isolates and redirects and avoids. there is a part of me that feels helpless. i know he is struggling and i have little idea how to relieve this. i spend some time, but as is my way, i remind myself i am not doing enough nor am i doing it right. underneath it all is this childhood belief that my love isn't enough.

yesterday, one of my workmates repeatedly placed papers from the printer on top of other papers on my desk. i became perturbed and defensive. i  acted out. i am still prickly and on defense. i scrapped with a board member today about an issue of little import, who needs to be happy, when i should be right? just like a pitbull latches on to its adversary- clenching hard, shaking rigorously, and doing anything to avoid letting go, i covet mistrust and sulking with staunch insanity. who needs a horror movie when i have my own behavior?

how, after all these years of personal growth  work and letting go of ego, do i find myself drowning in a tumult of human weakness? i have not wanted to write about this for fear of being exposed like the emperor wearing his celebrated and ridiculed nudie outfit.

but i do know that i can't pretend that these character defects that are taking root dandelions in summer aren't real. they are. i am affected by my life and the situations around me. i don't react as graciously as i would like. it is my first response to think the worst. to run. to separate.  and this is what i have found myself doing this week.  doing what i always do.

 making things for me to then undo...

The old line says, “Suit up and show up.” That action is so important that I like to think of it as my motto. I can choose each day to suit up and show up, or not.


  1. strange as it may sound, i believe i am becoming more comfortable in my own skin. it has taken these years to really see how i am and what i want to work on. surrendering to being "average" and letting my humanity be okay has taken patience- on my part and on the people who care for me.

    as usual- journaling about my shortcomings really takes the teeth out of their bite.

    happy recovery month jeremy

  2. My guiding quote below, regarding the courage and determination it takes to work the hardest game of all, changing yourself... this is a tough read!

    "To possess the right to the name of "man," one must be one. And to be such, one must first of all, with an indefatigable persistence and an unquenchable impulse of desire, issuing from all the separate independent parts constituting one's entire common presence, that is to say, with a desire issuing simultaneously from thought, feeling and organic instinct, work on an all-round knowledge of oneself-at the same time struggling unceasingly with one's subjective weaknesses-and then afterwards, taking one's stand upon the results thus obtained by one's consciousness alone, concerning the defects in ones, established subjectivity as well as the elucidated means for the possibility of combating them, strive for their eradication without mercy towards oneself."
    -G. I Gurdjieff
    Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson (Third Book p. 399)

  3. hey joe-

    it seems as if you might know me a little:)
    the truth for me is that i have avoided knowing myself for very many years- only the last decade have i begun to invoke this courage for self-reflection- and even then i have been mostly reluctant to look very deeply.
    more often than i like to acknowledge, i return to the 10 year old boy i was when i started to feel shame. this is when i have to remember i am not that boy any longer- only the pencil marks remain...
