Sunday, September 1, 2013

in memoriam

i met hunter through another friend bill. bill and hunter had been partners for about 7 years and had called it quits in the 90's sometime. but they remained friends and confidants until the end. hunter had begun working for frontier and owned a home on the edge of broadway terrace. when i was first trying to clean up, i painted hunter's house to help him and give me something to do. hunter and i worked catering gigs together. we shared meals once in awhile and saw each other at the holidays. he was effervescent, he was inspired, and he will always be loved.

i am sad for me, but extremely sad for bill. he has this loss on the heels of losing another of his best friends in february to a heart attack. 2 posse members in the space of a year is an incredible blow - for anyone. there is not a clear path for comfort here. suit up and show up is the only thing that comes to mind. 

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